I am a photographer who collaborates with the natural world. Life presents visually interesting sights everywhere I go, every day, free for the taking, if only I look closely and am quick enough with my camera. Finding images is my meditation. My photography grounds me in the world and in my life, being at once documentary and autobiographical, somewhere between fact and fiction. It provides me with concrete examples, everywhere I look, that there is more than chaos and entropy, if I search on a granular enough level. As a neurodivergent person in an often-confusing world, photography is one of the best methods I’ve found to both proclaim and examine my existence, on a scale that is not too complicated or overwhelming for me. It is a unique and unassailable way for me to say “This is what it looks like to me”, without having to worry so much that I’ve got it wrong, because my statement is itself the photographic proof.

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